Tunneling socks via http/s

Nowadays many govermental authorities or network administrators think that blocking all the network traffic for security reasons is a good idea. One common approach is to block everything, but allow some traffic that is whitelisted. Thus it is not possible to do all the interesting stuff that the firewall prevents to do. But by blocking http or https no webserver would be available any more. So normally these ports are open and thus this is the way to go. Continue reading

Determining content type with Apache Tika

About Apache Tika

The project is hosted by the Apache Software Foundation. It supports detecting various file and content types. There is a full list of supported formats. When having a look at the list that displays the supported formats, many document formats are listed in there. E.g. text/plain, text/xml, the propritary Microsoft OOXML or the office standard Open Document. Furthermore images (image/gif, image/jpeg, image/bmp or image/tiff), videos (video/avi, video/mpgeg or video/mp4) and audios (audi/ogg, audio/x-wav or audio/mpeg) can be recognized by Tika. Even feeds (application/rss+xml, application/atom+xml) may be recognized. And many, many more … Continue reading